Archive for November 2010
Write A Book
The world of publishing is extremely difficult to get into. The writers that make a very good living, such as Stephen King or John Grisham are in the minority. It takes a best seller to enable you to give up the day job. I would like to write a book but I struggle to find the time. I guess I'll make time if I want it badly enough. More people than ever are buying books and it's very competitive. There are less independent publishers now and the big companies don't want to take too many risks on a new writer. They're not always smart about their choices either. J.K. Rowling was rejected several times.
I read sometimes about people who have sold their debut novel and been given a huge advance to write another one. Just when I'm fuming with jealousy, I hear that they sold the film rights for squillions of dollars! The most annoying thing is when a celebrity is commissioned to write a book, only to hire an anonymous ghostwriter. Sports personalities seem to do that a lot. They take all the credit and most of the money. English soccer star David Beckham even won a literary award for his so called effort at an autobiography.
The lucky writers are the ones that have a publisher really pushing them. A new writer needs tons of publicity after they write a book. Sometimes, the public is manipulated a little into buying a book. I have seen book covers with scantily clad ladies that I know has very little relevance to the plot.
So what are the books that sell well? Non-fiction subjects such as cookery, travel, home improvement and gardening are always in demand. Unfortunately, I don't feel equipped to write a book on any of those themes. I could try my hand at fiction but that seems a harder market to crack. The crime and thriller genre does well but I don't think I could come up with a clever, intricate plot. I'm more into novels about the human condition, which explore relationships and modern society. For a publisher to go with something like that from an unknown writer, it would have to be very, very good.
Sometimes, a great novel will come along that's critically acclaimed and a best seller. This just proves to me that the general public is underestimated and there is a demand for thoughtful stories. Publishers, like TV networks and film producers should stop dumbing down.
I read sometimes about people who have sold their debut novel and been given a huge advance to write another one. Just when I'm fuming with jealousy, I hear that they sold the film rights for squillions of dollars! The most annoying thing is when a celebrity is commissioned to write a book, only to hire an anonymous ghostwriter. Sports personalities seem to do that a lot. They take all the credit and most of the money. English soccer star David Beckham even won a literary award for his so called effort at an autobiography.
The lucky writers are the ones that have a publisher really pushing them. A new writer needs tons of publicity after they write a book. Sometimes, the public is manipulated a little into buying a book. I have seen book covers with scantily clad ladies that I know has very little relevance to the plot.
So what are the books that sell well? Non-fiction subjects such as cookery, travel, home improvement and gardening are always in demand. Unfortunately, I don't feel equipped to write a book on any of those themes. I could try my hand at fiction but that seems a harder market to crack. The crime and thriller genre does well but I don't think I could come up with a clever, intricate plot. I'm more into novels about the human condition, which explore relationships and modern society. For a publisher to go with something like that from an unknown writer, it would have to be very, very good.
Sometimes, a great novel will come along that's critically acclaimed and a best seller. This just proves to me that the general public is underestimated and there is a demand for thoughtful stories. Publishers, like TV networks and film producers should stop dumbing down.
Write a Research Paper
Writing a good research paper is more difficult than you might imagine. There are several steps to how to write a research paper, and if you do not do each one correctly, you will run into trouble down the line. First of all, you have to make sure that you have the correct research paper topic. Research paper topics are more difficult to pick out than you might think, particularly if you are not very experienced with writing research papers. After all, something that might seem like a good topic could turn out to be very difficult. You never know whether or not there is enough information available until you try.
That is why it is always good to talk to your teacher about how to write a research paper. Consult him or her every step of the way unless you really know what you're doing. Most teachers are happy to select topics, or at least to tell you whether a topic you are considering will fit the bill. Once you select the right topic, however, the real work starts. There is no one method to how to write a research paper -- every single one is different, and you always learn by doing. Sometimes, everything is pretty straightforward. Many of the times that I've written essays, everything has come together perfectly. It is almost no work at all. All the research falls into place, and everything turns out just as I had expected.
Other times, however, is not nearly this easy. You never really learn how to write research papers until you run into a difficult one. Sometimes there is not enough information available. Other times, the sources don't agree at all, and you have to make your own decisions. Either way, it can be pretty hard to sort through all the data.
That is why there are so many online sites for writing a research paper. A lot of people assume that these write a research paper websites Are only there for people to plagiarize, but this isn't the whole truth. Although you can download research papers online, you can also use online websites as a valuable source of information. They can give you ideas for how to structure your paragraphs, how to introduce the topic, how to document your research, and how to format everything correctly. Most students have read few to no essays when they first learn how to write a research paper, so it can be really helpful to have some available to look at. After all, you can always get good ideas by looking at how someone else does something.
That is why it is always good to talk to your teacher about how to write a research paper. Consult him or her every step of the way unless you really know what you're doing. Most teachers are happy to select topics, or at least to tell you whether a topic you are considering will fit the bill. Once you select the right topic, however, the real work starts. There is no one method to how to write a research paper -- every single one is different, and you always learn by doing. Sometimes, everything is pretty straightforward. Many of the times that I've written essays, everything has come together perfectly. It is almost no work at all. All the research falls into place, and everything turns out just as I had expected.
Other times, however, is not nearly this easy. You never really learn how to write research papers until you run into a difficult one. Sometimes there is not enough information available. Other times, the sources don't agree at all, and you have to make your own decisions. Either way, it can be pretty hard to sort through all the data.
That is why there are so many online sites for writing a research paper. A lot of people assume that these write a research paper websites Are only there for people to plagiarize, but this isn't the whole truth. Although you can download research papers online, you can also use online websites as a valuable source of information. They can give you ideas for how to structure your paragraphs, how to introduce the topic, how to document your research, and how to format everything correctly. Most students have read few to no essays when they first learn how to write a research paper, so it can be really helpful to have some available to look at. After all, you can always get good ideas by looking at how someone else does something.
Writer Market
I began my writing career at the age of 12. Okay, so you caught me. I wasn't exactly getting paid back then for my witty banter and sarcastic diatribes. However, I was doing what every determined writer should do, and that's honing my skills. Writing, like every other field is about hard work. You have to practice and learn more in order to get better and hopefully succeed. This goes without saying. It's a process we learn at a very young age and it applies to everything we do. Now, what about the writer market? This is an ever-changing business. Take the Internet for example. The web has completely revolutionized writing as we once knew it. It's no longer about scribbling on notepads and punching away at typewriter keys. These days it's all about software and Internet access.
I had a professor in college, who told me something rather discouraging. He was teaching a writing course, and one day he just blurted it out. "There are two ways you can make money as a writer now days; one is by writing fiction and the other is films." This was such a bleak statement. Could it be true? What about journalists, poets and those who live to craft short stories? Well, I spoke with the professor after class, and he explained this statement with a bit more detail. He was basically saying that the short story and poetry folks are a thing of the past. And that these days it's all about fiction novels and films. These are the writers that make the big bucks. I have to admit, this sounded like reality. Anyway, one thing we did not discuss in that writing course is the online writer market. This is pretty massive now days. If you have a computer and Internet access, the online writer market is something you should consider. Of course that is, if you're searching for a career in writing. The web can introduce you to a number of freelance writing gigs. I am sometimes flabbergasted at how much writing goes straight to cyberspace. Imagine all the articles and medical essays available online. It's a gargantuan business.
Like any career field, the writer market can be discouraging and difficult at times. There is a lot of competition, but what field lacks competition? It's the same regardless of your specialty. One thing I can say is if you search the contemporary writer market for jobs, you will find some. Acquiring the gig is up to you.
I had a professor in college, who told me something rather discouraging. He was teaching a writing course, and one day he just blurted it out. "There are two ways you can make money as a writer now days; one is by writing fiction and the other is films." This was such a bleak statement. Could it be true? What about journalists, poets and those who live to craft short stories? Well, I spoke with the professor after class, and he explained this statement with a bit more detail. He was basically saying that the short story and poetry folks are a thing of the past. And that these days it's all about fiction novels and films. These are the writers that make the big bucks. I have to admit, this sounded like reality. Anyway, one thing we did not discuss in that writing course is the online writer market. This is pretty massive now days. If you have a computer and Internet access, the online writer market is something you should consider. Of course that is, if you're searching for a career in writing. The web can introduce you to a number of freelance writing gigs. I am sometimes flabbergasted at how much writing goes straight to cyberspace. Imagine all the articles and medical essays available online. It's a gargantuan business.
Like any career field, the writer market can be discouraging and difficult at times. There is a lot of competition, but what field lacks competition? It's the same regardless of your specialty. One thing I can say is if you search the contemporary writer market for jobs, you will find some. Acquiring the gig is up to you.
Write Short Stories
Do you like to write? This hobby soon became my passion in college. I actually started to enjoy some of the pieces I was able to write on film. This is the key with writing and everything else in life. Finding the aspect that suits your interests. If you can do that, you will have discovered something special. Soon enough I was taking screenwriting courses and understanding more about the differences between how to construct a screenplay, develop a novel, and write short stories. All can be different and unique in the world of writing. Contrary to what you may have thought, writing fiction is certainly not the same as crafting a script for the big screen. What is your personal forte?
I write short stories sometimes for mere enjoyment. I can read them to my daughter and she absolutely loves them. I personally prefer to write short stories in the horror and/suspense genre. This always keeps my little girl on the edge of her seat. She can never wait for me to finish the story. Do you ever write short stories? I think this is a wonderful place to begin a writing hobby or career. Now, on the other hand, I definitely prefer to craft screenplays. This is a much more "involved" process if you ask me. When you write and develop your script, you have to write in a different fashion. For example, if you like to write short stories, then you are basically a fiction writer, or I am assuming anyway. I guess you could be constructing stories based on true events; however, I doubt it. Now, when you craft a script, you are only writing what spectators will see on the big screen. You never want to get inside a character's head. This is a major no-no. If they can't see or hear it on the screen, then you should not be writing it. This is why fiction writing is completely different. Stephen King can say whatever he wants, whether it's a thought or memory. It really doesn't matter with fiction because you're the one reading it. Chances are you won't have a copy of the script handy when viewing a film.
So, are you interested in fiction, screenwriting, or maybe wish to write short stories yet? This is wonderful if your answer is yes. There are a number of great books available now days that can seriously aid you in this process. Get online and you will discover exactly what I mean. Whether your desire is to write short stories or an entire novel, you can get the job done right.
I write short stories sometimes for mere enjoyment. I can read them to my daughter and she absolutely loves them. I personally prefer to write short stories in the horror and/suspense genre. This always keeps my little girl on the edge of her seat. She can never wait for me to finish the story. Do you ever write short stories? I think this is a wonderful place to begin a writing hobby or career. Now, on the other hand, I definitely prefer to craft screenplays. This is a much more "involved" process if you ask me. When you write and develop your script, you have to write in a different fashion. For example, if you like to write short stories, then you are basically a fiction writer, or I am assuming anyway. I guess you could be constructing stories based on true events; however, I doubt it. Now, when you craft a script, you are only writing what spectators will see on the big screen. You never want to get inside a character's head. This is a major no-no. If they can't see or hear it on the screen, then you should not be writing it. This is why fiction writing is completely different. Stephen King can say whatever he wants, whether it's a thought or memory. It really doesn't matter with fiction because you're the one reading it. Chances are you won't have a copy of the script handy when viewing a film.
So, are you interested in fiction, screenwriting, or maybe wish to write short stories yet? This is wonderful if your answer is yes. There are a number of great books available now days that can seriously aid you in this process. Get online and you will discover exactly what I mean. Whether your desire is to write short stories or an entire novel, you can get the job done right.
Writing an Ebook
I've been making a fantastic living through online ventures for the past five years or so, and I'm completely convinced that with my help and guidance, others will be able to do the same thing. I'm sure that people would pay good money to learn my secrets, so that's why I'm thinking about writing an ebook to sell on my websites. The only problem is, I've never done this sort of thing before, and don't really know where to start.
From talking to other online entrepreneurs, there are several things that I need to take into consideration before writing an ebook. For example, it's important that I guard my ebook from theft or illegal reproduction. I can do this by purchasing a protection program, issuing passwords to unlock the book only after payment is received, or by using Digital Rights Management. These steps will ensure that the ebook can't be copied or traded very easily.
I also learned that there's a definite formula to writing an ebook, and that once I get the basic feel for how to do it, the entire creation process will become a lot easier. Savvy marketers have discovered that there's an ideal length for ebooks, that the margins should be a certain width, and that there should be plenty of white space on each page so the reader doesn't get intimidated at the prospect of taking in too much information. There are even pricing guidelines out there to help me decide how much to sell my finished product for! I never could have figured these things out for myself, so I feel like I'm making good progress already.
At this point, I think it would probably be best for me to purchase some special software that will allow me to take a step-by-step approach to writing an ebook. I've seen several of these types of programs advertised online, and have even checked out some of their features. It seems that the prices are pretty good for what the software delivers, so I should probably place my order soon. After all, the sooner I finish my book, the sooner I can start making money from it!
I'm excited about the prospect of writing an ebook, but I definitely need more information before I can begin in earnest. I'm going to devote the next couple of days to research, and will hopefully be in a better position to evaluate where I stand after that.
From talking to other online entrepreneurs, there are several things that I need to take into consideration before writing an ebook. For example, it's important that I guard my ebook from theft or illegal reproduction. I can do this by purchasing a protection program, issuing passwords to unlock the book only after payment is received, or by using Digital Rights Management. These steps will ensure that the ebook can't be copied or traded very easily.
I also learned that there's a definite formula to writing an ebook, and that once I get the basic feel for how to do it, the entire creation process will become a lot easier. Savvy marketers have discovered that there's an ideal length for ebooks, that the margins should be a certain width, and that there should be plenty of white space on each page so the reader doesn't get intimidated at the prospect of taking in too much information. There are even pricing guidelines out there to help me decide how much to sell my finished product for! I never could have figured these things out for myself, so I feel like I'm making good progress already.
At this point, I think it would probably be best for me to purchase some special software that will allow me to take a step-by-step approach to writing an ebook. I've seen several of these types of programs advertised online, and have even checked out some of their features. It seems that the prices are pretty good for what the software delivers, so I should probably place my order soon. After all, the sooner I finish my book, the sooner I can start making money from it!
I'm excited about the prospect of writing an ebook, but I definitely need more information before I can begin in earnest. I'm going to devote the next couple of days to research, and will hopefully be in a better position to evaluate where I stand after that.
Writing Help
Writers are constantly on the look out for new information and resources to improve upon their craft. The education of writing is ongoing and most writers, whether aspiring or professional, are aware that in order to stay on top of the game they must be constantly learning and improving upon their skills. When looking for writing help there are many resources to consider.
One resource that offers writing help is the various writing magazines and books that are available at your local book store. No matter what kind of writing career you are interested in pursuing there is a book or magazine that focuses on your genre. Books that are genre focused can be very helpful as they offer advice specific to that market. One should not ignore the books that offer more general writing help though. Topics such as grammar, researching markets, and working with editors are beneficial to any writer, no matter what genre they choose to focus on.
If you are looking for help with writing a novel, there are many writing groups online that will provide advice from professionals that will guide you along your journey. One of the challenges that novel writers struggle with most is inspiration and motivation. If that is the case for you as well, a writing community can provide both of those to help keep you going. Getting community feed back as your novel progresses is encouraging and can help you if you are in a rut.
A home study course may be just what you need to help get you published if you are a new writer. Home study courses, available online and through the mail, can give you inside advice and teach you tricks of the trade that you may not become familiar with otherwise. A home study course gives you the benefit of being able to study and learn in your own time. With writing help like exercises and writing practice techniques, you’ll soon find yourself on the way to becoming a published writer.
If becoming a writer is the path you have chosen you will find that at some point or another you will need some writing help, whether you feel your dialogue needs to be more realistic or you just need a little inspiration to get in front of your computer everyday. With all the information that is available to writers today, finding writing help is not difficult and you’ll soon find yourself putting words together more effectively than ever before.
One resource that offers writing help is the various writing magazines and books that are available at your local book store. No matter what kind of writing career you are interested in pursuing there is a book or magazine that focuses on your genre. Books that are genre focused can be very helpful as they offer advice specific to that market. One should not ignore the books that offer more general writing help though. Topics such as grammar, researching markets, and working with editors are beneficial to any writer, no matter what genre they choose to focus on.
If you are looking for help with writing a novel, there are many writing groups online that will provide advice from professionals that will guide you along your journey. One of the challenges that novel writers struggle with most is inspiration and motivation. If that is the case for you as well, a writing community can provide both of those to help keep you going. Getting community feed back as your novel progresses is encouraging and can help you if you are in a rut.
A home study course may be just what you need to help get you published if you are a new writer. Home study courses, available online and through the mail, can give you inside advice and teach you tricks of the trade that you may not become familiar with otherwise. A home study course gives you the benefit of being able to study and learn in your own time. With writing help like exercises and writing practice techniques, you’ll soon find yourself on the way to becoming a published writer.
If becoming a writer is the path you have chosen you will find that at some point or another you will need some writing help, whether you feel your dialogue needs to be more realistic or you just need a little inspiration to get in front of your computer everyday. With all the information that is available to writers today, finding writing help is not difficult and you’ll soon find yourself putting words together more effectively than ever before.
Writing Strategies
Reading a good book is incomparable to watching a film or television program. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. This is a pretty big and bold statement. I'm certain that many agree with me completely, while others are thinking HUH. Well, it's like this; when you watch a TV show or a movie, everything is happening right before your eyes. Not a great deal of imagination is required, because it's all in your face with pictures and sound. However, if you read a book, much is left up to you. The narrative, voice of each character, developing mental images and so forth. The story tends to be visualized in your mind. Therefore you can make it as spooky, gory, and thrilling as you like. The mystery regarding not physically seeing it has this effect on us. Our minds/imaginations go all over the place. Great writers know this. And that's why they develop awesome writing strategies in executing their books.
When I think of writing, I commonly ponder screenplays. These are what I read and write. Unlike books, scripts only say what's revealed on the screen. You can never get into the mind of a character. You must stick with what can be seen and heard. Obviously this makes the writing strategies of a fiction writer different from those of a screenwriter. They are two separate entities. Just because you write one well, doesn't mean you can write the other. Now, what about writing strategies in general? What makes stories and dialog float out of some people and not out of others? Hmm, this is a bit tricky. However, I wonder if a few of my writing strategies would help clear things up. First of all, I like to be alone in a quiet place. This allows you to really delve into a story. You almost become part of it on another realm, so to speak. My emotions literally change as the story progresses and I feel what the characters feel. Secondly, I feel one of the best writing strategies comes from your personal experience with life. Use things that have actually happened, or steal ideas from events in your real life. This is your best material. Trust me! And finally, just go with it. There's no need to sit and dwell on something. If you don't have the answer, come back to it.
Okay, so there it is. We all want effective writing strategies to get the job done with ease. Now, there is one last thing to remember. You may not be a superb writer, but that doesn't mean you're not a great re-writer. Drafts are the key to excellence! DON'T forget this!
When I think of writing, I commonly ponder screenplays. These are what I read and write. Unlike books, scripts only say what's revealed on the screen. You can never get into the mind of a character. You must stick with what can be seen and heard. Obviously this makes the writing strategies of a fiction writer different from those of a screenwriter. They are two separate entities. Just because you write one well, doesn't mean you can write the other. Now, what about writing strategies in general? What makes stories and dialog float out of some people and not out of others? Hmm, this is a bit tricky. However, I wonder if a few of my writing strategies would help clear things up. First of all, I like to be alone in a quiet place. This allows you to really delve into a story. You almost become part of it on another realm, so to speak. My emotions literally change as the story progresses and I feel what the characters feel. Secondly, I feel one of the best writing strategies comes from your personal experience with life. Use things that have actually happened, or steal ideas from events in your real life. This is your best material. Trust me! And finally, just go with it. There's no need to sit and dwell on something. If you don't have the answer, come back to it.
Okay, so there it is. We all want effective writing strategies to get the job done with ease. Now, there is one last thing to remember. You may not be a superb writer, but that doesn't mean you're not a great re-writer. Drafts are the key to excellence! DON'T forget this!
X-box Games
There's no question that this is a great time to be a gaming enthusiast. Home gaming systems have come a long way in the last decade or so, and there are even better improvements on the horizon. Stunning graphics, exciting gameplay scenarios, and professionally written, produced, and directed scripts make these home systems well worth their high price tags to many people. Even though I own all the major systems available, I personally think that X Box games are the best around, so whenever I have extra money, I try to purchase those titles first.
One reason that I like X Box games is that there is really a good variety to choose from. Unlike other companies, X Box games don't seem to lean heavily in favor of one genre over another. So I know I can always find great sports, adventure, RPG, fantasy, action, and fighting titles featuring the same fantastic quality that I've come to expect from all X Box games over the years.
The only problem I've ever had with X Box games is that they tend to be too expensive for my tastes. As a college student, I'm on a very limited budget, which means that I can't always afford to buy new X Box games. Therefore, I have to look at alternative methods for playing the titles that I want. One thing that I do is rent X Box games from my local video store. This serves two purposes. First, it gives me a chance to play the game for a few days for a very small fee. This is a good way to tear through titles that I ordinarily wouldn't buy because they're too easy or not from one of my favorite genres. Another reason that I rent X Box games is to preview them before purchasing. Sometimes updates and sequels just aren't as good as the originals, and really aren't worth the money in the end. It's far better for me to find out during a preview than after I actually buy the game.
Another way that I save money is by buying used X Box games. These are easy to come by, either in stores or online. Like most people, I don't really have much use for X Box games that I've solved or completed. I'm better off selling them back to the store so I can get new X Box games in return. This system of buying and selling used X Box games works really well and means that I always have access to something different.
If you like X Box games as much as I do but simply can't afford paying high prices for brand new titles, then I recommend that you try renting or buying used ones instead. This is good way to play a lot of different X Box games without having to pay full price.
One reason that I like X Box games is that there is really a good variety to choose from. Unlike other companies, X Box games don't seem to lean heavily in favor of one genre over another. So I know I can always find great sports, adventure, RPG, fantasy, action, and fighting titles featuring the same fantastic quality that I've come to expect from all X Box games over the years.
The only problem I've ever had with X Box games is that they tend to be too expensive for my tastes. As a college student, I'm on a very limited budget, which means that I can't always afford to buy new X Box games. Therefore, I have to look at alternative methods for playing the titles that I want. One thing that I do is rent X Box games from my local video store. This serves two purposes. First, it gives me a chance to play the game for a few days for a very small fee. This is a good way to tear through titles that I ordinarily wouldn't buy because they're too easy or not from one of my favorite genres. Another reason that I rent X Box games is to preview them before purchasing. Sometimes updates and sequels just aren't as good as the originals, and really aren't worth the money in the end. It's far better for me to find out during a preview than after I actually buy the game.
Another way that I save money is by buying used X Box games. These are easy to come by, either in stores or online. Like most people, I don't really have much use for X Box games that I've solved or completed. I'm better off selling them back to the store so I can get new X Box games in return. This system of buying and selling used X Box games works really well and means that I always have access to something different.
If you like X Box games as much as I do but simply can't afford paying high prices for brand new titles, then I recommend that you try renting or buying used ones instead. This is good way to play a lot of different X Box games without having to pay full price.
Action packed gaming
Enter a whole new level of gaming with the HTC 7 Trophy and the power of Xbox LIVE®. With the vivid 3.8” screen, HTC 7 Trophy sits comfortably in your hand and performs perfectly in any gaming situation.Satisfy your need for speed
A performance packed 1GHz Snapdragon processor delivers split-second responsiveness. You’ll need that speed when you’re zipping and dodging, shooting and flying on your quest to save mankind.Pause the game. It’s time for music.
Take a break from the game and tune into some … tunes. The HTC 7 Trophy gives you a high fidelity sound for a richer listening and viewing experience. The secret sauce is SRS WOW HD™ — bringing virtual surround sound to your mobile.Explore great apps within HTC Hub
Center of attention
Get more from your phone with an app from us. The HTC Hub incorporates the weather in rich 3D and offers a selection of apps specifically designed to optimize your HTC smartphone experience.
Picture perfect
Enhance your photos with one touch. A selection of effects help you create unique photographic masterpieces. Use the auto-enhance preset to adjust color and brightness for the perfect picture.
High fidelity sound
The Sound Enhancer app delivers virtual surround sound and equalizer sound effects for a richer listening and viewing experience. Equalizer presets automatically mix bass, treble and vocal levels for maximum effect, whatever your type of music.
Know when to cash out
Stay on top of the market with up-to-date finance information. The Stocks app lets you view stock prices and check indices. Define up to 30 stocks and track their progress. Rotate to view charts in full-screen detail.
Something to note?
Create and manage your notes in a visually fun and practical way. With the Notes app you can post and arrange your notes on a bulletin board, then see them wrinkle and age over time. To view them in a list, just swipe and turn the board over.
Love me? Love me not?
Does the object of your affections love you - or not? Find out with this fun app. Choose your favorite flower, then pluck the petals one by one. Or shake your phone and watch them fall. The last petal tells all.
RING… ring… hush
Ever fumbled with your phone because it went off at full-blast during a meeting? Well, don't worry! Now as soon as you lift your phone up to see who's calling, the ringer volume gets lower. Want it silenced completely? Just flip it over. No more awkward moments.
See in the dark
The Flashlight app turns your phone into an LED flashlight with 3 brightness levels. It even flashes an SOS signal in case of emergency.
Centimeters to inches, pounds to kilos
Convert distances, weights, temperature and more, all within a single screen. The free Converter app also converts currency at current rates refreshed from the web. You can even personalize the settings, depending on what you convert most.
Wonder at weather
Rain, hail or shine – you'll find the weather app in the HTC Hub, presenting the weather in a rich 3D animation, forecasts for your location or other cities, and lets you know exactly what to expect.
At a glance
- 130 grams (4.59 ounces) with battery
- Type: Touch screen with pinch-to-zoom capability
- Size: 3.7 inches
- Resolution: 480 x 800 WVGA
Screen size: 94 mm (3.7")
Detailed specifications
CPU Processing Speed
1 GHzStorage
Internal storage: 8 GBROM: 512 MB
RAM: 576 MB
- 3.5 mm stereo audio jack
- Standard micro-USB (5-pin micro-USB 2.0)
- G-Sensor
- Digital compass
- Proximity sensor
- Ambient light sensor
- Weather, Stocks, Converter, Photo Enhancer, Sound Enhancer, and more.
- Downloadable apps and games.
- See photos from your camera, Facebook® and Windows Live™ accounts in the Pictures hub.
- Music and Videos Hub powered by Zune® lets you listen to radio, download music, and more
- Dolby Mobile and SRS surround sound
Audio supported formats:
- .m4a, .m4b, .mp3, .wma (Windows Media Audio 9)
Video supported formats:
- Playback:.3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .m4v, .mbr, .wmv (Windows Media Video 9 and VC-1)
- Recording:.mp4
Power & Battery2
Battery type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery polymer or Lithium-ion batteryCapacity: 1300 mAh
Talk time:
- WCDMA: Up to 330 mins
- GSM: Up to 405 mins
Standby time3:
- WCDMA: Up to 435 hours
- GSM: Up to 360 hours
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Asia Pacific:
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Windows® Phone OS 7Camera
- 8 megapixel color camera
- Auto focus and Xenon flash
- 720p HD video recording
- Built-in scenes include candlelight, landscape, and portrait match the environment of your subject
- Up to 7.2 Mbps download speed
- Up to 2 Mbps upload speed
- Up to 114 kbps downloading
- Up to 560 kbps downloading
- Wi-Fi®: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
- Bluetooth® 2.1 with Enhanced Data Rate
- A2DP for wireless stereo headsets
- Other supported profiles: AVRCP, HFP, HSP, PBAP
Social Networking
- Facebook® and Windows Live™
- Share photos on Facebook® or Windows Live™ SkyDrive®
- Internal GPS antenna
- Bing™ Maps
Special Features
- Customize your phone with live tiles which dynamically update all key information right on the Start screen
- Choose from thousands of video titles and music tracks via integrated Zune® services
- Play console-quality video games with XBox LIVE® integration
Recommended Windows System Requirements
- Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, or Windows® XP
- Zune® software
Nokia X6-00 Full specification and Detail
Asus AIR3 Speaker Made for iPod
Do I Need A Selective Or A Non-Selective Weed Killer?
If you've got an unsightly weed problem or are having difficulties with unwanted vegetation growth in you household garden then weed killer is the obvious way to get rid of this. There's loads of different companies who make weed killer and it comes in lots of different forms so how do you know what to get and are they all the same? Well the answer is no. The main difference is that some weed killer is selective and some is non-selective and the difference is very important.
If you're an enthusiastic amateur gardener or spend a lot of time making your home garden look nice and tidy then you probably already know the difference between selective and non-selective weed killer. However, if you aren't a gardener but have a weed problem that needs taking care of then it is definitely worth ensuring you know the difference, are using the right product and are taking the correct action, failure to do so could seriously damage your garden.
Non-selective means that the weed killer is likely to contain the chemical Glyphosate or a similar version of it and this chemical kills all greenery that it is sprayed on. This means not only weeds but also any other garden growth such as grass, plants and flowers. Spraying a Glyphosate based product on your lawn to get rid of a few lawn weeds will mean that the entire lawn will be ruined. Even a small amount is likely to kill all greenery it touches so be careful if you are spraying it in windy conditions as this can lead to it spreading from unwanted growth to pant life that you want to keep. Only apply it to items that you want to kill. Most gardeners use non-selective weed killer as it is the more powerful than its selective counterpart and is also cheaper. Selective weed killer does not contain Glyphosate has been developed to just kill weeds and not other plant life such as grass and flowers. If you have lawn weeds and are worried about using a product that also killsgrass then you can use a selective weed killer. The same principals apply if you have some garden weeds in your flower beds and don't want to risk killing your flowers.
If you're an enthusiastic amateur gardener or spend a lot of time making your home garden look nice and tidy then you probably already know the difference between selective and non-selective weed killer. However, if you aren't a gardener but have a weed problem that needs taking care of then it is definitely worth ensuring you know the difference, are using the right product and are taking the correct action, failure to do so could seriously damage your garden.
Non-selective means that the weed killer is likely to contain the chemical Glyphosate or a similar version of it and this chemical kills all greenery that it is sprayed on. This means not only weeds but also any other garden growth such as grass, plants and flowers. Spraying a Glyphosate based product on your lawn to get rid of a few lawn weeds will mean that the entire lawn will be ruined. Even a small amount is likely to kill all greenery it touches so be careful if you are spraying it in windy conditions as this can lead to it spreading from unwanted growth to pant life that you want to keep. Only apply it to items that you want to kill. Most gardeners use non-selective weed killer as it is the more powerful than its selective counterpart and is also cheaper. Selective weed killer does not contain Glyphosate has been developed to just kill weeds and not other plant life such as grass and flowers. If you have lawn weeds and are worried about using a product that also killsgrass then you can use a selective weed killer. The same principals apply if you have some garden weeds in your flower beds and don't want to risk killing your flowers.
Reasons For Getting Steel Fencing Installed Around Your Property
Fencings are designed in many styles, shapes and sizes. There are many sorts of material used for manufacturing them. Thus, you may be confused in order to select an appropriate fencing for your purpose. But actually it not at all a difficult task; you can do it easily if you take few things in your consideration. Very first, think about the kind of fencing you need as according to your requirement. For your kind information, there are many kinds of fencings, and everyone serves different purpose. So, you determine that whether you need Perimeter Fencing, Security Fencing, Sports Fencing, Ornate fencing, Gates, Railings, or Swimming Pool fencing.
After finalizing the kind of fencing you need, the next thing is to decide what material you want to be used in manufacturing your fencing. Fences are manufactured from several materials such as steel, aluminum and wood. In case you are looking for reliability and strength, the steel fencing will be the best choice. In fact, steel is the most common material used in manufacturing fencings. This is because the steel is considered as the most durable metal not only for fences but for many other applications such as weapons, cars and even Ships. Still fences require very low maintenance and the best thing is that still can be recycled. This means your step will be completely earth friendly if you use steel fencing for your property.
There can be several reasons that people prefer steel fencing around their property. For example- you might willing to make your yard more attractive, you might looking for the safest fence for your property or you would be willing to assure a proper boundary around your house or property. Whatever is your intension behind using fencing for your property, but we can not deny to the fact that its primary purpose is to assure a sense of security. Hence the stronger the metal will be used for fencing; the more sense of security will develop in mind.
Steel fences include a versatile alternative to improve your property's appearance, but moreover, they are incredibly strong. There are many who have aluminum fencing in their property, but aluminum fences are not so strong although they appear attractive. You can also try them if your primary purpose is just to enhance the attractiveness of your property instead of security.
Durability and maintenance should be another point you should take into account while selecting the metal for fencing. There are some materials that require a frequent maintenance and many of them need replacement sooner. But we must be thankful for steel fences that do not come in this category. They are famous for the lowest maintenance need. It would really be the best decision to order a steel fence for your property if you want long lasting and low maintenance fencing. Steel fences are attractive and affordable way for keeping your property absolutely secure and safe. They are able to be used for marking property, or for enclosing children play area and the swimming pool.So now you can realize the fact that steel fencing can serve your purpose most efficiently in terms of security. Steel fencing is very affordable as well.
After finalizing the kind of fencing you need, the next thing is to decide what material you want to be used in manufacturing your fencing. Fences are manufactured from several materials such as steel, aluminum and wood. In case you are looking for reliability and strength, the steel fencing will be the best choice. In fact, steel is the most common material used in manufacturing fencings. This is because the steel is considered as the most durable metal not only for fences but for many other applications such as weapons, cars and even Ships. Still fences require very low maintenance and the best thing is that still can be recycled. This means your step will be completely earth friendly if you use steel fencing for your property.
There can be several reasons that people prefer steel fencing around their property. For example- you might willing to make your yard more attractive, you might looking for the safest fence for your property or you would be willing to assure a proper boundary around your house or property. Whatever is your intension behind using fencing for your property, but we can not deny to the fact that its primary purpose is to assure a sense of security. Hence the stronger the metal will be used for fencing; the more sense of security will develop in mind.
Steel fences include a versatile alternative to improve your property's appearance, but moreover, they are incredibly strong. There are many who have aluminum fencing in their property, but aluminum fences are not so strong although they appear attractive. You can also try them if your primary purpose is just to enhance the attractiveness of your property instead of security.
Durability and maintenance should be another point you should take into account while selecting the metal for fencing. There are some materials that require a frequent maintenance and many of them need replacement sooner. But we must be thankful for steel fences that do not come in this category. They are famous for the lowest maintenance need. It would really be the best decision to order a steel fence for your property if you want long lasting and low maintenance fencing. Steel fences are attractive and affordable way for keeping your property absolutely secure and safe. They are able to be used for marking property, or for enclosing children play area and the swimming pool.So now you can realize the fact that steel fencing can serve your purpose most efficiently in terms of security. Steel fencing is very affordable as well.
Enhance Your Home With A New Fence
As a homeowner, you want your property to look its best - to be the jewel of the neighborhood. One of the best things to do to enhance the look of your property is by putting up a fence. A fence can add curb appeal to your property, add value, and it is an attractive way to improve security as well as safety. It also discourages solicitors to come inside your property.
You may be considering putting up a fence, but with so many choices in styles and materials it may be a bit confusing. You can opt for doing the job yourself if you have the skills or you can hire a fencing contractor to do the job for you. It is important to erect the fence in a proper way, with the right tools and materials, and the right measurements. A fence well erected will last for long and stand firm for many years. To achieve this, sometimes it is best to call the right fencing company, and ensure that you are putting up a strong fence in your property.
There are many styles of fences and the purpose for choosing to install a fence varies from homeowner to homeowner. Sometimes, a homeowner who has a pool in their property will choose to install a fence around the pool for safety reasons. In some states it is the law and a home insurance requirement as well. Because pool areas are a moist environment, it is recommended that you opt for a material that will be tough resisting corrosion. Aluminum or a powder coated galvanized steel works best.
If you have pets, you may want to keep them safe, and a fence may be the perfect way to do this, so your pet can enjoy the outside, and be safe at the same time. You can also use fencing material to build a pen for your dog. Many homeowners in small rural communities, which allow some animals in the property, will use fences to keep animals inside their confinement area.
The type of fence that you choose will depend on the material you like, the purpose, your budget, and the style of your home as well. You can choose an ornamental iron fence, which will provide curb appeal and privacy as well. These are some of the most beautiful fences and are usually found in wealthy estates. They come in a variety of styles and add an elegant look to your property. You can also add security features such as transmitters and receivers or more elaborate systems to control access.
Another popular and more cost effective fence is a chain link fence in many galvanized styles. You can also choose this type of fence with a coating of PVC in a color that will complement your property. You can also add vinyl slats and wind screen to this type of fence to improve the look and privacy.
You can also opt for an industrial iron type of fence and request a custom-made look to match the property style. Another attractive fence is a traditional wood fence. These come in many styles and designs, and give your property a warm and traditional appeal. Materials range from pine to spruce or cedar. You can enhance your wood fence with many custom made designs.
Another popular style in wood fencing is the split rail fencing. You can also use a combination of wood and steel for an interesting look. If you have a large property such as a farm, you can opt for pipe fencing to surround your property in an attractive way, as well to keep animals in their respective areas.
One of the most popular materials used today is the vinyl fence. They give an attractive look to your property and they are virtually maintenance free. It is a popular choice with homeowners for its versatility, economy, and the many styles available. A fence company will help you choose the material suitable for your property.
You may be considering putting up a fence, but with so many choices in styles and materials it may be a bit confusing. You can opt for doing the job yourself if you have the skills or you can hire a fencing contractor to do the job for you. It is important to erect the fence in a proper way, with the right tools and materials, and the right measurements. A fence well erected will last for long and stand firm for many years. To achieve this, sometimes it is best to call the right fencing company, and ensure that you are putting up a strong fence in your property.
There are many styles of fences and the purpose for choosing to install a fence varies from homeowner to homeowner. Sometimes, a homeowner who has a pool in their property will choose to install a fence around the pool for safety reasons. In some states it is the law and a home insurance requirement as well. Because pool areas are a moist environment, it is recommended that you opt for a material that will be tough resisting corrosion. Aluminum or a powder coated galvanized steel works best.
If you have pets, you may want to keep them safe, and a fence may be the perfect way to do this, so your pet can enjoy the outside, and be safe at the same time. You can also use fencing material to build a pen for your dog. Many homeowners in small rural communities, which allow some animals in the property, will use fences to keep animals inside their confinement area.
The type of fence that you choose will depend on the material you like, the purpose, your budget, and the style of your home as well. You can choose an ornamental iron fence, which will provide curb appeal and privacy as well. These are some of the most beautiful fences and are usually found in wealthy estates. They come in a variety of styles and add an elegant look to your property. You can also add security features such as transmitters and receivers or more elaborate systems to control access.
Another popular and more cost effective fence is a chain link fence in many galvanized styles. You can also choose this type of fence with a coating of PVC in a color that will complement your property. You can also add vinyl slats and wind screen to this type of fence to improve the look and privacy.
You can also opt for an industrial iron type of fence and request a custom-made look to match the property style. Another attractive fence is a traditional wood fence. These come in many styles and designs, and give your property a warm and traditional appeal. Materials range from pine to spruce or cedar. You can enhance your wood fence with many custom made designs.
Another popular style in wood fencing is the split rail fencing. You can also use a combination of wood and steel for an interesting look. If you have a large property such as a farm, you can opt for pipe fencing to surround your property in an attractive way, as well to keep animals in their respective areas.
One of the most popular materials used today is the vinyl fence. They give an attractive look to your property and they are virtually maintenance free. It is a popular choice with homeowners for its versatility, economy, and the many styles available. A fence company will help you choose the material suitable for your property.
Wordpress Multimedia Theme
Video blogging is the next generation of posting ideas and products over the internet.
Video blogging works with people on the internet expressing their selves. Now if you put this on a business prospective, you are up to a lot of benefits. Think of it as a powerful tool in showing your prospective customers your line of products or your services. It’s just like showing a commercial all for free. And if your video blog through RSS, then most probably you are getting your target market.
People like to see what they are going to buy. Some would like to see proof and be sure that they are getting their money’s worth before shelving their dimes on it. All of us know the influence of a thirty second commercial. The effect of video blogging is similar to that. You show your product, people watch it. If they like it, they buy it. If you present it good enough, they’ll buy the product even if they don’t need it.
Jvpress is a new company that is dedicated to cutting edge technologies, the latest trends and resources all pertaining to online affiliate marketing, and the Multimedia Theme is the beginning of a long line of products to be introduced by them.
This Premium WordPress Theme is robust with features, set up for maximum conversions and is fully integrated with leading Email Service Providers, Social Media and Video.
WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), often used as a blog publishing application. It is used by over 12% of the 1,000,000 biggest websites; therefore WordPress is the most popular CMS in use today. Users can re-arrange widgets without editing PHP or HTML code; they can also install and switch between themes. The PHP and HTML code in themes can also be edited for more advanced customizations.
A theme is a preset package containing graphical appearance details, used to customize the look and feel of a graphical interface. The theme includes such items as the desktop background (wallpaper), menu fonts, window border style and the colors and fonts of the title bars at the top of active and inactive windows. Themes are often used to change the appearance of a wide range of things at once, which makes them much less granular than allowing the user to set each option individually.
With this in mind, the WordPress Multimedia Theme, created by Sean and his JVPress team, provides the horse power to effortlessly deliver explosive, dynamic - jar dropping webpages, dynamic video presentations, product launch campaigns, affiliate offers, CPA offers THAT CONVERTS literally within minutes. It is proven, easy to use and WEB 3.0 supercharged for maximum conversions.
The versatility of this theme is endless. It was designed to easily create video landing pages, personal web pages, Adsense sites with video, CPA pages, video sales pages, webinar replay pages, tutorial pages, video blogs, and more.
It is already integrated with leading email service provider, such as AWeber, Infusionsoft, 1shoppingcart, GetResponse, and others.
Nowadays, the more creative you are in presenting your product to the market, they more you are likely to succeed. Video blogging offers an interactive way of selling: you involve the customers, you show them the advantage of your goods, and at times, those are enough to make a sale.
Take a look on the following review that will give you even more details about what video blogging can do for you:
Video blogging works with people on the internet expressing their selves. Now if you put this on a business prospective, you are up to a lot of benefits. Think of it as a powerful tool in showing your prospective customers your line of products or your services. It’s just like showing a commercial all for free. And if your video blog through RSS, then most probably you are getting your target market.
People like to see what they are going to buy. Some would like to see proof and be sure that they are getting their money’s worth before shelving their dimes on it. All of us know the influence of a thirty second commercial. The effect of video blogging is similar to that. You show your product, people watch it. If they like it, they buy it. If you present it good enough, they’ll buy the product even if they don’t need it.
Jvpress is a new company that is dedicated to cutting edge technologies, the latest trends and resources all pertaining to online affiliate marketing, and the Multimedia Theme is the beginning of a long line of products to be introduced by them.
This Premium WordPress Theme is robust with features, set up for maximum conversions and is fully integrated with leading Email Service Providers, Social Media and Video.
WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), often used as a blog publishing application. It is used by over 12% of the 1,000,000 biggest websites; therefore WordPress is the most popular CMS in use today. Users can re-arrange widgets without editing PHP or HTML code; they can also install and switch between themes. The PHP and HTML code in themes can also be edited for more advanced customizations.
A theme is a preset package containing graphical appearance details, used to customize the look and feel of a graphical interface. The theme includes such items as the desktop background (wallpaper), menu fonts, window border style and the colors and fonts of the title bars at the top of active and inactive windows. Themes are often used to change the appearance of a wide range of things at once, which makes them much less granular than allowing the user to set each option individually.
With this in mind, the WordPress Multimedia Theme, created by Sean and his JVPress team, provides the horse power to effortlessly deliver explosive, dynamic - jar dropping webpages, dynamic video presentations, product launch campaigns, affiliate offers, CPA offers THAT CONVERTS literally within minutes. It is proven, easy to use and WEB 3.0 supercharged for maximum conversions.
The versatility of this theme is endless. It was designed to easily create video landing pages, personal web pages, Adsense sites with video, CPA pages, video sales pages, webinar replay pages, tutorial pages, video blogs, and more.
It is already integrated with leading email service provider, such as AWeber, Infusionsoft, 1shoppingcart, GetResponse, and others.
Nowadays, the more creative you are in presenting your product to the market, they more you are likely to succeed. Video blogging offers an interactive way of selling: you involve the customers, you show them the advantage of your goods, and at times, those are enough to make a sale.
Take a look on the following review that will give you even more details about what video blogging can do for you:
Fitted Kitchens As An Integral Part Of Modern Homes
The concept of fitted kitchens is gaining popularity across the globe, as it allows the homeowner to benefit as much as possible from the space in the kitchen. Units are carefully fitted to match the dimensions of the room, while still keeping a uniform design in place throughout. There are several other benefits in addition to those of traditional kitchens.
Fitted Kitchens: Major Benefits
Fitted kitchens have become an integral part of modern buildings. Some of the major benefits of fitted kitchens are:
• Customisation and flexibility: Built on modern building standards, fitted kitchens have huge customisation potential. Most manufacturers allow customers to customise a design as per their individual needs. Apart from colour and texture customisation (painted or distressed), an individual can select lighting and accessories, as well as the kitchen appliances. The list continues with drawer liners, choices of glazed door fronts, hinges etc.
• While buying fitted kitchens, you can select kitchen components as per your requirements and, working with the kitchen designer, place them in the most efficient spots. A fitted kitchen will make the best use of space.
• Trending styles: Fitted kitchen designs give you the opportunity to select from the latest kitchen styles. (Fitted kitchen service providers ensure that the latest trends are incorporated in their designs). These kitchens can make a statement that reflects your lifestyle, personality and standard of living.
• Resale value: Being customised and professionally installed, fitted kitchens increase the resale value of your house. The combination of house dimensions and family needs means that every home has different kitchen requirements. Buyers prefer a fitted kitchen because it looks better than a mix of different styles of units installed over time.
• Drawer technology: It might seem a minor point, but this has an effect. Old fashioned cutlery drawers, with a quick push, will slam into the unit with a resounding crash as all the knives and forks rebound off each other. Modern drawer units have soft closers that gently shut the drawer, keeping the noise levels down.
• Solid structure: Good quality rigid kitchen units tend to be constructed from thicker than average sides and doors, with more durable hinges and glued dowel joints. You will want to avoid poorly built systems with thin veneers that peel off with minimal use.
Fitted Kitchens Offers Extensive Storage Space
Storage is the most crucial component of the art of kitchen planning. A kitchen with plenty of storage space appears well organized. Good storage space helps to free counter space for appliances and other necessary items. This reduces hassles while cooking regular meals. Fitted kitchens are designed in a way to accommodate most of the items in two regions – above counter and below counter. The above counter space is used for adding to the aesthetics of your kitchen with creative designs as well as storing utensils and glassware. Below counter space can be used to store containers that stock items for daily use. Cabinets are used to store bulky items.
In a nutshell, fitted kitchens are essential for simplifying the meal making process and enhancing the joy of dining with the family. When choosing a design, one must be careful to buy kitchen units from an established manufacturer that offers high quality kitchen collections and excellent after sales service. You do not want to have a marvellous looking kitchen only for it to be marred by irritating minor problems that need to be resolved before they develop further. Being able to call on the after sales team to resolve any issues can add to your peace of mind and enjoyment of your new kitchen.
So, keep the above points in mind when choosing your kitchen and this should help you in selecting the best fitted kitchen for you.
Fitted Kitchens: Major Benefits
Fitted kitchens have become an integral part of modern buildings. Some of the major benefits of fitted kitchens are:
• Customisation and flexibility: Built on modern building standards, fitted kitchens have huge customisation potential. Most manufacturers allow customers to customise a design as per their individual needs. Apart from colour and texture customisation (painted or distressed), an individual can select lighting and accessories, as well as the kitchen appliances. The list continues with drawer liners, choices of glazed door fronts, hinges etc.
• While buying fitted kitchens, you can select kitchen components as per your requirements and, working with the kitchen designer, place them in the most efficient spots. A fitted kitchen will make the best use of space.
• Trending styles: Fitted kitchen designs give you the opportunity to select from the latest kitchen styles. (Fitted kitchen service providers ensure that the latest trends are incorporated in their designs). These kitchens can make a statement that reflects your lifestyle, personality and standard of living.
• Resale value: Being customised and professionally installed, fitted kitchens increase the resale value of your house. The combination of house dimensions and family needs means that every home has different kitchen requirements. Buyers prefer a fitted kitchen because it looks better than a mix of different styles of units installed over time.
• Drawer technology: It might seem a minor point, but this has an effect. Old fashioned cutlery drawers, with a quick push, will slam into the unit with a resounding crash as all the knives and forks rebound off each other. Modern drawer units have soft closers that gently shut the drawer, keeping the noise levels down.
• Solid structure: Good quality rigid kitchen units tend to be constructed from thicker than average sides and doors, with more durable hinges and glued dowel joints. You will want to avoid poorly built systems with thin veneers that peel off with minimal use.
Fitted Kitchens Offers Extensive Storage Space
Storage is the most crucial component of the art of kitchen planning. A kitchen with plenty of storage space appears well organized. Good storage space helps to free counter space for appliances and other necessary items. This reduces hassles while cooking regular meals. Fitted kitchens are designed in a way to accommodate most of the items in two regions – above counter and below counter. The above counter space is used for adding to the aesthetics of your kitchen with creative designs as well as storing utensils and glassware. Below counter space can be used to store containers that stock items for daily use. Cabinets are used to store bulky items.
In a nutshell, fitted kitchens are essential for simplifying the meal making process and enhancing the joy of dining with the family. When choosing a design, one must be careful to buy kitchen units from an established manufacturer that offers high quality kitchen collections and excellent after sales service. You do not want to have a marvellous looking kitchen only for it to be marred by irritating minor problems that need to be resolved before they develop further. Being able to call on the after sales team to resolve any issues can add to your peace of mind and enjoyment of your new kitchen.
So, keep the above points in mind when choosing your kitchen and this should help you in selecting the best fitted kitchen for you.
What Gives Life To Your Website?
You ponder why more website traffic continues to elude you. So you beef up your endeavours like never before, in a last-ditch attempt to bring in more site visitors. But perhaps the real trouble is not the shortage of new visitors to your site. Maybe it has more to do with why you are not providing extra care of the prospective customers you've already got.
How do you nurture those who signed up for your list – and why must you do it?
Well, apart from being a nice guy who genuinely cares about them, let me remind you what happens, when you start to go over a TV show you like with your friends or family members…
Say you all enjoy fishing; and you find you all enjoy watching “Fishing the Flats” with Henry Waschuk. You don’t require any encouragement to concur how good the show is, or how much you appreciate his fishing tips, the formula the chef offers – and the extraordinary variety of remarkable fish found off the Florida Keys, or further down South.
Do you love the show for his apparent talent and the tips you pick up there? Partly – because he genuinely is skillful, and the show has a fantastic, well thought-out structure, filled with value.
But it’s more than just the tips, or his skill, that makes you feel like you’ve had a mini fishing holiday, when you take that 30-minute session to watch it on Sunday mornings…
It’s More Than Just The Tips, Or The Expertise.
… It’s Henry’s enthusiasm. His passion, his joy – and how he so clearly lives for the sport! He’s like a small kid always surprised on a Christmas Day (in the warm, sunny Florida coasts) – and what’s more, he’s the type of outgoing, friendly kid who lives to share his greatest presents with you.
(Even his chef – who so swiftly shows you that fabulous, delicious fresh-catch recipe – mirrors that enthusiasm and keeps the mood – and the audience - flowing right along.)
Since when you introduced that sense of joy and adventure to your web site? Since when you shared your thoughts with absolute wonder and gleeful delight? Or do you just calculate, plot, and weigh consequences – and dole out subject material to your readers?
You need to give them something to truly want to come back again to your website. You want them running up your driveway, every single Sunday morning, keen to see what you’ve got to share, like Henry, today.
Rediscover What Makes It Fun
That’s the missing lure you have to put back into your marketing strategy, to get far more visitors. Make the most of the readers you’ve got – and they’ll do the rest for you!
That illustration I used about “Fishing the Flats” was a real one. As we sat there and discussed it, we soon discovered four people in our midst hadn’t yet discovered the show – but immediately after hearing us, they soon became avid fans!
Just think - if it happened with 400 groups, each gaining 4 more subscribers in 4 weeks – that TV show would have 1,600 new viewers per week.
And if those 1,600 new viewers go out and 400 of them get into discussions with other fishing buddies… well, you can already see exactly where I’m going with this, I’m sure.
So look for those two traits – real enthusiasm and generosity in sharing a passion – in your internet marketing journey. If they’re not there in yours, step back. Take a “vacation” for yourself until you find what lights you up like Henry Waschuk, before you take another step.
After all, why kill yourself, working night and day just to bring in new website visitors – when your lack of fun and enjoyment could be due to the missing element - that is, helping your current subscribers, show them your energy and enthusiasm. Before you know it, you may just find yourself hauling in an even bigger catch!
Your website must breathe life, but before it does so it must be built on solid foundation, by employing the correct, tried and tested strategies. This special report about web traffic: "21 Strategies For Generating More Traffic", is for you to have. Enjoy it.
How do you nurture those who signed up for your list – and why must you do it?
Well, apart from being a nice guy who genuinely cares about them, let me remind you what happens, when you start to go over a TV show you like with your friends or family members…
Say you all enjoy fishing; and you find you all enjoy watching “Fishing the Flats” with Henry Waschuk. You don’t require any encouragement to concur how good the show is, or how much you appreciate his fishing tips, the formula the chef offers – and the extraordinary variety of remarkable fish found off the Florida Keys, or further down South.
Do you love the show for his apparent talent and the tips you pick up there? Partly – because he genuinely is skillful, and the show has a fantastic, well thought-out structure, filled with value.
But it’s more than just the tips, or his skill, that makes you feel like you’ve had a mini fishing holiday, when you take that 30-minute session to watch it on Sunday mornings…
It’s More Than Just The Tips, Or The Expertise.
… It’s Henry’s enthusiasm. His passion, his joy – and how he so clearly lives for the sport! He’s like a small kid always surprised on a Christmas Day (in the warm, sunny Florida coasts) – and what’s more, he’s the type of outgoing, friendly kid who lives to share his greatest presents with you.
(Even his chef – who so swiftly shows you that fabulous, delicious fresh-catch recipe – mirrors that enthusiasm and keeps the mood – and the audience - flowing right along.)
Since when you introduced that sense of joy and adventure to your web site? Since when you shared your thoughts with absolute wonder and gleeful delight? Or do you just calculate, plot, and weigh consequences – and dole out subject material to your readers?
You need to give them something to truly want to come back again to your website. You want them running up your driveway, every single Sunday morning, keen to see what you’ve got to share, like Henry, today.
Rediscover What Makes It Fun
That’s the missing lure you have to put back into your marketing strategy, to get far more visitors. Make the most of the readers you’ve got – and they’ll do the rest for you!
That illustration I used about “Fishing the Flats” was a real one. As we sat there and discussed it, we soon discovered four people in our midst hadn’t yet discovered the show – but immediately after hearing us, they soon became avid fans!
Just think - if it happened with 400 groups, each gaining 4 more subscribers in 4 weeks – that TV show would have 1,600 new viewers per week.
And if those 1,600 new viewers go out and 400 of them get into discussions with other fishing buddies… well, you can already see exactly where I’m going with this, I’m sure.
So look for those two traits – real enthusiasm and generosity in sharing a passion – in your internet marketing journey. If they’re not there in yours, step back. Take a “vacation” for yourself until you find what lights you up like Henry Waschuk, before you take another step.
After all, why kill yourself, working night and day just to bring in new website visitors – when your lack of fun and enjoyment could be due to the missing element - that is, helping your current subscribers, show them your energy and enthusiasm. Before you know it, you may just find yourself hauling in an even bigger catch!
Your website must breathe life, but before it does so it must be built on solid foundation, by employing the correct, tried and tested strategies. This special report about web traffic: "21 Strategies For Generating More Traffic", is for you to have. Enjoy it.
Build A Professional Website - Use Some Effective Tools
An effective website can be essential in properly promoting your business or bringing attention to a particular topic. There are many different ways you can build a professional website and here are some suggestions.
The first thing to do in preparation for building a professional website is proper planning. You need to determine what you want from your website, what kind of information it will contain, and how you'd like to have it structured.
This planning process is essential in helping to create a truly professional and effective website. Once you have completed this, it is probably helpful to create content you want contained within your website.
You should also assemble graphics you plan to use as well as any other relevant info. Now it is time to build your website and there are several key ways to do so.
With easy to use web building software it is now possible to create great looking websites quickly and easily. Several great programs are available including Dreamweaver which help a somewhat inexperienced person to develop a great looking website.
You don't have to understand website programming languages and the software offers many effective templates you can modify to suit. In addition they have a terrific step by step process to build a great looking website.
As stated earlier, there are many website templates you can choose from in this program. It is typically much easier to modify an existing website template than it is to create an entirely new website from scratch.
You need to determine which way works best for you. You can also find many terrific looking website templates on the Internet which you can download and modify as you deem appropriate.
Some of these templates are free and others do have a cost associated with them. Again it is something you need to evaluate and make the best decision.
Another very important thing to note is that you can also outsource all or part of this website building very cost effectively. If you check out websites like or Warriorforum, there are many talented website builders who can assist you for a very reasonable price. Or you can have portions of your website like custom header graphics, etc. done very cheaply on sites like
It no longer has to cost thousands of dollars to build a professional website. If you apply some of these tips and techniques, you can have a great looking and effective website at a terrifically low price.
The first thing to do in preparation for building a professional website is proper planning. You need to determine what you want from your website, what kind of information it will contain, and how you'd like to have it structured.
This planning process is essential in helping to create a truly professional and effective website. Once you have completed this, it is probably helpful to create content you want contained within your website.
You should also assemble graphics you plan to use as well as any other relevant info. Now it is time to build your website and there are several key ways to do so.
With easy to use web building software it is now possible to create great looking websites quickly and easily. Several great programs are available including Dreamweaver which help a somewhat inexperienced person to develop a great looking website.
You don't have to understand website programming languages and the software offers many effective templates you can modify to suit. In addition they have a terrific step by step process to build a great looking website.
As stated earlier, there are many website templates you can choose from in this program. It is typically much easier to modify an existing website template than it is to create an entirely new website from scratch.
You need to determine which way works best for you. You can also find many terrific looking website templates on the Internet which you can download and modify as you deem appropriate.
Some of these templates are free and others do have a cost associated with them. Again it is something you need to evaluate and make the best decision.
Another very important thing to note is that you can also outsource all or part of this website building very cost effectively. If you check out websites like or Warriorforum, there are many talented website builders who can assist you for a very reasonable price. Or you can have portions of your website like custom header graphics, etc. done very cheaply on sites like
It no longer has to cost thousands of dollars to build a professional website. If you apply some of these tips and techniques, you can have a great looking and effective website at a terrifically low price.
Why Avoid Using Free Web Design Tools?
There are so many web design software and tools available online that you can use to create your own website. There are both paid and free software available that you can download and start creating your own web designs. These free tools provide you with a wide variety of options in terms of images, colors, fonts, effects and so on. All you have to do is to select the desired layout, image, colors and font and put it all together neatly and nicely to create your business site quickly and easily without relying on any designer or paying anyone.
A lot of people prefer this method because it allows them to save a significant amount of money. They think that your website contains your company information as well as the information about your products and services. So, all you need is a few pages that can tell your audience what your business is all about, and that’s it. You can start making money with your site without any worries at all. The problem with perception is that it is wrong and baseless. When you open a shop, you decorate it nicely because without creating a professional image, you can’t expect your market to buy from you.
The same goes with your website. Just uploading a few ordinary pages won’t bring you any business at all. Rather you will end up messing up your brand identity and image. In the business world, your image is everything. If it’s not good, then you should expect your market to trust you. If it’s good, then you can surely exploit your goodwill and word towards business growth. So, using a free web design tool with this perception that you will create a few pages without caring about professionalism and quality won’t take your business anywhere. It will only mess up your brand image.
See, the problem with free web design tools is that they are unable to offer you any creative suggestions. They can’t just stop you and tell you not to use a particular font because it won’t look good on your logo as businesses in your industry tend to you a different type of font style. The software won’t even tell you which colors will be perfect for your particular website. These are some creative advices that only a professional designer can offer you. If you use tools then you should be well prepared for a low quality design.
Also, these tools offer you clipart images that have been used by others (who knows how many times). You should use those images only if you think that your business doesn’t deserve a unique look. If you care about how people perceive you after looking at your website, then it should be your utmost desire to avoid using free web design tools to create your online presence.
So, it’s obvious now that there is a huge difference between using a tool and hiring a professional web designer. So, make the right choice and prevent your business from getting a bad image.
A lot of people prefer this method because it allows them to save a significant amount of money. They think that your website contains your company information as well as the information about your products and services. So, all you need is a few pages that can tell your audience what your business is all about, and that’s it. You can start making money with your site without any worries at all. The problem with perception is that it is wrong and baseless. When you open a shop, you decorate it nicely because without creating a professional image, you can’t expect your market to buy from you.
The same goes with your website. Just uploading a few ordinary pages won’t bring you any business at all. Rather you will end up messing up your brand identity and image. In the business world, your image is everything. If it’s not good, then you should expect your market to trust you. If it’s good, then you can surely exploit your goodwill and word towards business growth. So, using a free web design tool with this perception that you will create a few pages without caring about professionalism and quality won’t take your business anywhere. It will only mess up your brand image.
See, the problem with free web design tools is that they are unable to offer you any creative suggestions. They can’t just stop you and tell you not to use a particular font because it won’t look good on your logo as businesses in your industry tend to you a different type of font style. The software won’t even tell you which colors will be perfect for your particular website. These are some creative advices that only a professional designer can offer you. If you use tools then you should be well prepared for a low quality design.
Also, these tools offer you clipart images that have been used by others (who knows how many times). You should use those images only if you think that your business doesn’t deserve a unique look. If you care about how people perceive you after looking at your website, then it should be your utmost desire to avoid using free web design tools to create your online presence.
So, it’s obvious now that there is a huge difference between using a tool and hiring a professional web designer. So, make the right choice and prevent your business from getting a bad image.
5 Newbie Mistakes to Avoid When You Make Your Own Website
Maybe you've been thinking it's time to make your own website and either cover some more marketing ground for your offline business, test out that Internet Marketing idea you've been toying with, or launch a blog where you can preach to the world about your ideas or hobbies. That's great! But let's look at the most common mistakes people make when they're in your position and save you from disappointment or walking in circles.
Here are 5 mistakes to avoid when you make your own website.
1. Never Getting Off the Ground
The most common mistake the newbie makes is never getting past square one. They buy their domain, they set up their hosting, and maybe they even figure out how to get Wordpress set up on their site. You know what, it's great you've gotten started, and these days it's so easy to get online that you really have no excuse to leave your ideas on the back burner. But it makes no sense to clutter the web with unfinished sites and leave your ideas floating out there somewhere in the ether.
The truth is that even basic Wordpress design has a learning curve. It's gotten easier than ever, but you should be willing to put some effort into it and be prepared to struggle to make it work. There is plenty of advice out there on the web to help you out whenever you get stuck. Leverage the power of Google and YouTube videos any time you don't know something—it's really that simple.
2. Not Allowing Access to the Search Engines
Another simple mistake people make is not allowing Google to access their website. When you set your settings in Wordpress, make sure that you set the Privacy to: "I would like my site to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Bing, Technorati) and archivers ." If you don't, your site will block the search engines, and that means no organic traffic.
Not exactly a good idea.
3. Paying Too Much Too Soon
You're probably pretty excited about getting out on the web, especially if you're venturing out into Internet Marketing (as opposed to being an established business) and have never done this before. And when we're excited, we often think it's better to leverage the help of professionals who know what they are doing.
Well, it is true that outsourcing is a great tool, and I use it often myself, but you need to be careful because you don't even know if your idea is going to yield a return yet. Not to mention that someone who doesn't know what their employees are doing for them exactly makes for a horrible manager.
It's okay to pay a little here and there to get going, but save money where you can. Don't spend thousands on web design and hand an SEO "expert" the pin number to your bank account. Take it slowly, learn the process, and hold on to your wallet.
4. Thinking a Website Equals Sales
The reason so many people pour money into outsourcing and think it will come right back to them is they foolishly believe that an online presence equates to guaranteed sales. Not so—and anyone who feeds you that lie has something to sell you in their back pocket. Once you have a website, you need to drive traffic to it, and the traffic better be qualified.
5. Thinking Traffic Equals Sales
Even once the traffic is coming, however, you need to be ready for it, and that's why you don't want your site to look to amateur. This is where it can really pay to get a little help from someone who has some knowledge about online marketing, website usability, and traffic conversion.
Here are 5 mistakes to avoid when you make your own website.
1. Never Getting Off the Ground
The most common mistake the newbie makes is never getting past square one. They buy their domain, they set up their hosting, and maybe they even figure out how to get Wordpress set up on their site. You know what, it's great you've gotten started, and these days it's so easy to get online that you really have no excuse to leave your ideas on the back burner. But it makes no sense to clutter the web with unfinished sites and leave your ideas floating out there somewhere in the ether.
The truth is that even basic Wordpress design has a learning curve. It's gotten easier than ever, but you should be willing to put some effort into it and be prepared to struggle to make it work. There is plenty of advice out there on the web to help you out whenever you get stuck. Leverage the power of Google and YouTube videos any time you don't know something—it's really that simple.
2. Not Allowing Access to the Search Engines
Another simple mistake people make is not allowing Google to access their website. When you set your settings in Wordpress, make sure that you set the Privacy to: "I would like my site to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Bing, Technorati) and archivers ." If you don't, your site will block the search engines, and that means no organic traffic.
Not exactly a good idea.
3. Paying Too Much Too Soon
You're probably pretty excited about getting out on the web, especially if you're venturing out into Internet Marketing (as opposed to being an established business) and have never done this before. And when we're excited, we often think it's better to leverage the help of professionals who know what they are doing.
Well, it is true that outsourcing is a great tool, and I use it often myself, but you need to be careful because you don't even know if your idea is going to yield a return yet. Not to mention that someone who doesn't know what their employees are doing for them exactly makes for a horrible manager.
It's okay to pay a little here and there to get going, but save money where you can. Don't spend thousands on web design and hand an SEO "expert" the pin number to your bank account. Take it slowly, learn the process, and hold on to your wallet.
4. Thinking a Website Equals Sales
The reason so many people pour money into outsourcing and think it will come right back to them is they foolishly believe that an online presence equates to guaranteed sales. Not so—and anyone who feeds you that lie has something to sell you in their back pocket. Once you have a website, you need to drive traffic to it, and the traffic better be qualified.
5. Thinking Traffic Equals Sales
Even once the traffic is coming, however, you need to be ready for it, and that's why you don't want your site to look to amateur. This is where it can really pay to get a little help from someone who has some knowledge about online marketing, website usability, and traffic conversion.
5 Website Navigation Tips
Unclear website navigation is much like trying to read a map in the dark.
Many people who are new to web design and e-commerce have trouble creating effective website navigation. Having the expectation for your shoppers to use your website without clear and easy navigation is just like expecting them to blindly find their way to a destination with all the lights out. They will leave your site, lost and confused, without bothering to find out what you offer, and will go to find a website that is easier to understand and navigate.
Building a quality and easy-to-use website navigation will lead to many more sales and is actually very easy to do. To help you create a more effective website, experts at Bright Builders have compiled five easy tips to help you create effective website navigation that will quickly guide your customers to the products or information they’re searching for.
Tip One: The Navigation Bar
The Navigation Bar or Menu is the list of links that appears on every page of your website. It is the first cue to your customers about which pages they should visit in the website. Link names should be short, clear, and accurate at describing the products, services, or information contained on the linked page. It is also a good idea to use keywords as often as possible in the links in the navigation bar.
Navigation bars should not be too long. The customer shouldn't have to scroll down to view all of the links in your navigation bar. If your site offers a large number of products, create links to general categories instead of listing each product individually.
Tip Two: Using a Sitemap
A sitemap is crucial for any website. Simply put, the sitemap is an organized page of links to every page in your website. Normally organized as an outline, a sitemap includes links to each category, subcategory, and page on your site.
Sitemaps make it easier for both search engines and customers to easily access all of the information your site has to offer. One of the main goals of any website should be to have all of its pages indexed by search engines. This is because the more pages your site can be found for and ranked for, the better your chances are that customers will be able to find you in the search engines.
Tip Three: The Three-Click Rule
Studies have shown, on average, if a customer cannot find a wanted item or piece of information within three clicks of entering your site, they will leave your site. This means that your competition is getting the sale that you could have had, simply because the product or information was more readily available.
Many website owners do not understand that buyers are not the same as shoppers. Buyers know what they want and they want it now, but shoppers are simply browsing to see what is available. Make sure your customers can access all of your products and pages within three clicks from any page on your site to ensure that they buy from you.
Tip Four: Repeat Links
Having a Navigation Bar is very important for the ease of your website, but it is just as important to repeat those links in other areas on your site including in the body text or accompanying images.
You should also repeat important navigation links at the bottom of each page of your site in a link tree. This gives customers the ability to look at an entire page and then continue onto other pages without having to scroll up to the top to find the Navigation Bar links.
Tip Five: Page Titles and Subject Headers
If a customer ever has to ask “Where am I?”, you are almost guaranteed not to get a sale. Page titles and headers are just another way to clarify to the customer what page they’re visiting.
Found at the top of each page or dividing content by subject, headers should be bold and in a larger font than the page content. This clearly defines the purpose of the page and the content found on it, allowing the customer to easily navigate throughout the page.
Customers need to be able to navigate through a site with as little work as possible. The easier it is to navigate throughout a site, the more likely it is that your customer will stay long enough to purchase and continue to come back. By following these five simple tips, you help customers and search engines navigate through your site, thus increasing your sales potential.
Many people who are new to web design and e-commerce have trouble creating effective website navigation. Having the expectation for your shoppers to use your website without clear and easy navigation is just like expecting them to blindly find their way to a destination with all the lights out. They will leave your site, lost and confused, without bothering to find out what you offer, and will go to find a website that is easier to understand and navigate.
Building a quality and easy-to-use website navigation will lead to many more sales and is actually very easy to do. To help you create a more effective website, experts at Bright Builders have compiled five easy tips to help you create effective website navigation that will quickly guide your customers to the products or information they’re searching for.
Tip One: The Navigation Bar
The Navigation Bar or Menu is the list of links that appears on every page of your website. It is the first cue to your customers about which pages they should visit in the website. Link names should be short, clear, and accurate at describing the products, services, or information contained on the linked page. It is also a good idea to use keywords as often as possible in the links in the navigation bar.
Navigation bars should not be too long. The customer shouldn't have to scroll down to view all of the links in your navigation bar. If your site offers a large number of products, create links to general categories instead of listing each product individually.
Tip Two: Using a Sitemap
A sitemap is crucial for any website. Simply put, the sitemap is an organized page of links to every page in your website. Normally organized as an outline, a sitemap includes links to each category, subcategory, and page on your site.
Sitemaps make it easier for both search engines and customers to easily access all of the information your site has to offer. One of the main goals of any website should be to have all of its pages indexed by search engines. This is because the more pages your site can be found for and ranked for, the better your chances are that customers will be able to find you in the search engines.
Tip Three: The Three-Click Rule
Studies have shown, on average, if a customer cannot find a wanted item or piece of information within three clicks of entering your site, they will leave your site. This means that your competition is getting the sale that you could have had, simply because the product or information was more readily available.
Many website owners do not understand that buyers are not the same as shoppers. Buyers know what they want and they want it now, but shoppers are simply browsing to see what is available. Make sure your customers can access all of your products and pages within three clicks from any page on your site to ensure that they buy from you.
Tip Four: Repeat Links
Having a Navigation Bar is very important for the ease of your website, but it is just as important to repeat those links in other areas on your site including in the body text or accompanying images.
You should also repeat important navigation links at the bottom of each page of your site in a link tree. This gives customers the ability to look at an entire page and then continue onto other pages without having to scroll up to the top to find the Navigation Bar links.
Tip Five: Page Titles and Subject Headers
If a customer ever has to ask “Where am I?”, you are almost guaranteed not to get a sale. Page titles and headers are just another way to clarify to the customer what page they’re visiting.
Found at the top of each page or dividing content by subject, headers should be bold and in a larger font than the page content. This clearly defines the purpose of the page and the content found on it, allowing the customer to easily navigate throughout the page.
Customers need to be able to navigate through a site with as little work as possible. The easier it is to navigate throughout a site, the more likely it is that your customer will stay long enough to purchase and continue to come back. By following these five simple tips, you help customers and search engines navigate through your site, thus increasing your sales potential.
Website Navigation Tips
Website Navigation Tips
Website navigation is the most important aspect to consider while designing a website. The primary aim for effective navigation is get your visitors to stay in your site and also for visitors to easily find what they are looking for easily and quickly. Designing effective navigation can also entice your visitors to try out the other things you offer on your site. In this article we will look at some of the basic guidelines you need to follow while designing the navigation of a website.
Effective Navigation Guidelines
While designing the navigation for your site keep the following points in mind:
* Organized Links
Make sure your links are well organized according to the order of importance. Visitors should be easily able to find what they are looking for under different categories.
E.g. All our main links are found on the top i.e. our services, products,portfolio, resources etc.Other interesting links are found on the right of the page. These are common and consistent throughout the site.
Finally if the web page belongs to a guide E.g web design guide you will find the related links below the right menu and also at the bottom of the page.
Note: Related links are very important as visitors coming to a particular page will probably be interested in more information you have under the same topic.
* Clear and Prominent
Once you have decided on your navigation links, you need to think of the best place to put them. Navigation should be clear and consistent. Try to design your navigation on the top or on the left as these are the first places our eyes go to. Also locate the primary links high enough on the page so that they are visible without scrolling. Navigation images should be seamlessly integrated into the site design. Avoid putting navigation links at the bottom of the page as visitors will need to scroll right down to see the links. If you like you could put the important links at the top AND bottom of the page just to make sure your visitors don't miss the link.
* Consistent
Navigation should be clear and consistent. The important links of your website should be on every page, in the same location, and in the same sequence. Don't confuse your visitors by putting your navigation links in different places in different pages.
* Easy to understand
Make your links easy to understand and to the point. Usually you won't have enough place to have long links so make use of the space wisely. Visitors need to know where they will go on clicking on a particular link, so make sure your links are understandable or nobody is going to click on your links, which will defeat the purpose of designing a good navigation system.
* DHTML Menus
If you have a large number of links under categories and sub-categories you could use navigation menus to organize your links. There are many cut 'n' paste scripts available on the Net that you could use to create great navigation systems. A favorite resource center is, you'll find tons of useful navigation menus that are very easy to install on your site.
Website navigation is the most important aspect to consider while designing a website. The primary aim for effective navigation is get your visitors to stay in your site and also for visitors to easily find what they are looking for easily and quickly. Designing effective navigation can also entice your visitors to try out the other things you offer on your site. In this article we will look at some of the basic guidelines you need to follow while designing the navigation of a website.
Effective Navigation Guidelines
While designing the navigation for your site keep the following points in mind:
* Organized Links
Make sure your links are well organized according to the order of importance. Visitors should be easily able to find what they are looking for under different categories.
E.g. All our main links are found on the top i.e. our services, products,portfolio, resources etc.Other interesting links are found on the right of the page. These are common and consistent throughout the site.
Finally if the web page belongs to a guide E.g web design guide you will find the related links below the right menu and also at the bottom of the page.
Note: Related links are very important as visitors coming to a particular page will probably be interested in more information you have under the same topic.
* Clear and Prominent
Once you have decided on your navigation links, you need to think of the best place to put them. Navigation should be clear and consistent. Try to design your navigation on the top or on the left as these are the first places our eyes go to. Also locate the primary links high enough on the page so that they are visible without scrolling. Navigation images should be seamlessly integrated into the site design. Avoid putting navigation links at the bottom of the page as visitors will need to scroll right down to see the links. If you like you could put the important links at the top AND bottom of the page just to make sure your visitors don't miss the link.
* Consistent
Navigation should be clear and consistent. The important links of your website should be on every page, in the same location, and in the same sequence. Don't confuse your visitors by putting your navigation links in different places in different pages.
* Easy to understand
Make your links easy to understand and to the point. Usually you won't have enough place to have long links so make use of the space wisely. Visitors need to know where they will go on clicking on a particular link, so make sure your links are understandable or nobody is going to click on your links, which will defeat the purpose of designing a good navigation system.
* DHTML Menus
If you have a large number of links under categories and sub-categories you could use navigation menus to organize your links. There are many cut 'n' paste scripts available on the Net that you could use to create great navigation systems. A favorite resource center is, you'll find tons of useful navigation menus that are very easy to install on your site.
Hands Mehandi Designs
Full Hands Mehndi Design